Here are some helpful rules for keeping the conversation focused, friendly, and productive. We’ll be actively monitoring the Matrix room and the GitHub discussion forum and will not hesitate to remove those that are not participating in good faith.
This chatroom is focused on the development of technologies related to the Bluesky decentralized social project. For all other topics, please find another room for discussion.
No copy/pasted messages, no repeating the same thing over and over.
This isn’t a place to market, promote, or proselytize.
Criticize technologies not people. Disagree without being disagreeable.
We welcome engagement, but if you are always the noisiest poster, the mods may ask you to take a step back to make room for others.
We welcome questions and comments that improve the quality of discourse in the room and help better inform participants. Mods will remove comments or participants who they feel are lowering the quality of discourse at their discretion.